So--after much thought and waiting so long, we decided to get a boston terrier. We found a breeder, picked out a puppy, and he came home on October 25. What a great birthday present he is! We named him Elvis, and he sure is a handful! He's really smart and stubborn. And cute. :) Yesterday he had his first real bark! There was a huge white dog that came around the corner, and I guess he was scared. It was so cute to see this little furball let out a tiny, ferocious bark. He's such a ham! He is such a cuddle bucket though... if you are sitting down, he WANTS to be in your lap. It's pretty cute. He just wants to be warm! He loves taking naps with daddy. He has two modes. He is either super sweet and cuddly and giving all kinds of kisses, or he is running around all crazy and wanting to play with toys and bite everything. We feel like we just had a baby that skipped his first couple years of life and went straight into the terrible twos! But he's so worth it. :)
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